
Fallout new vegas zombie mod
Fallout new vegas zombie mod

fallout new vegas zombie mod fallout new vegas zombie mod

Naturally, there are some minor differences here and there, mostly due to the differences between the COD and Fallout engines.įallout New Vegas Zombies is fully scripted, and is unrelated to the game’s lore. Going into more details, this project directly replicates the exact same ways the real zombies mode plays, including a points system, power, and even two-hit kill. As the modder noted, this is an effort to replicate the enjoyable horde survival from Call of Duty: World At War and Call of Duty: Black Ops, but in the Fallout world. Modder ‘ZRV01’ has released a new mod that adds a Call of Duty-inspired Zombies Mode to Fallout New Vegas.

Fallout new vegas zombie mod